Complex dental examination Dental Check-Up
Complex dental examination Dental Check-Up
In the contemporary world with its characteristic rapid way of life for many people the issues of maintaining the dental health have become neglected until the moment when they start creating tangible discomfort. The illnesses of the oral cavity that are found at their early stages can be treated much easier and more successfully whereas timely prophylaxis can prevent the emergence of a number of problems.
Dental Check-Up is recommended if:
- You experience health problems of the oral cavity: tooth/teeth sensitivity, toothache, caries, old fillings, pulpitis, periodontitis, gum recession or other diseases.
- You need endodontic (under the microscope) treatment or repeated treatment of the root canals.
- You need orthodontic treatment, for instance, compressed, cross-wisely growing teeth, overbite or underbite, jaw joint pain, bruxism (teeth grinding at night).
- You are dissatisfied with the overall smile aesthetics: the teeth have cracks, stains, the teeth have undergone numerous restorations and fillings, there are gaps between the teeth, the row of teeth is uneven or compressed, and the colour and size of teeth differ.
- Tooth/teeth is/are missing or they must be extracted, implantation and dental prosthetics are required.
- You wish to put on veneers or crowns or teeth deterioration is observed.